Posts tagged ‘hero’


Oi, you,,, over here a mo,

Ssshhh, I’ve got to talk quietly because if Wifey reads this i’m a ‘Dead-Man’…

I thought i’d just take this opportunity to share with you the ‘Events’ of the other day, which culminated in ‘Little’ole Me’ ,,, Saving the Day, & being a HERO!!

* 7.10am      ’SOMEONE’, gets up late to go to work….
* 7.35am     ‘SOMEONE’, arrives at the BAR she works at, five minutes late….
* 8am            I get up to feed the Animals….
* 9am            ‘SOMEONE’,  realises today is gonna be a “Hell of a busy day” at the BAR….
* 12.30pm   My telephone rings. I answer the telephone, & find ‘SOMEONE’ on the end of the line in what can only be described as a “bit of a panic”….
* 12.31pm    After calming down, ‘SOMEONE’  explains that after FIVE hours of work at the BAR, & after serving “scores” of customers,, ‘SOMEONE’  has realised,,  they have been wearing “ODD” shoes at work all morning !!!
* 12.45pm   ‘Little ‘ole me’ , arrives to a HERO’S welcome at the BAR, with the replacement shoes.

Yup, I dropped everything just for “My Moment”, “My chance to Shine”,,,, & do you think i’ve been thanked for my mercy mission?? Nope, not a bit of it. I’ve just been sworn to ABSOLUTE secrecy…

So don’t say a word,,, This is our secret!!